
Showing posts from July, 2021

31/7 Monreal de Campo to Alcorisa 90km

Hilly long straight roads. At start today supermarket so busy I avoided it thinking "there will be shops along road of today's ride". Wrong. There was no town and almost no villages on 90km of N420. I had 4.5litre of water and 4 slice of bread and 2 tin of meat in pannier bag though. But they are emergency food. It is best to keep24 hours of water and 3 meals dry food on the bicycle in pannier bags.. that don't get eaten. They are for if stranded between towns. I was fine today as ate a lot yesterday evening.  Today I saw sign for campsite but road was a dirt track for 2.5km up hill.  And a 2nd campsite was far down mountain side from road and I could see no supermarkets a hungry evening and what if campsite closed and I can't get in but have mountain road to climb back out?. So I used and got a €55 hotel room. Tomorrow 1/8 I have a campsite...

30/7 Peralejos de las Truchas to Monreal del Campo 82km

. V hilly first 15km and very steep descent. Amazing scenery. I walked up some hills as bike heavy on 42x28. I walked down 2 pitches that were dangerously steep downhills with hairpins the bike is too heavy for.  Last night campsite address Le Serroda Calle Cerrillo, 19313 Peralejos de las Truchas, Guadalajara, Spain Tonight st Air bnb. I can't see any campsite for 100km going east north east.  The final 15km today were all downhill. A v tough day of heat and 1,100m climbing

29/7 Canamares to Le Serroda camp 55km

Very early start at Canamares. In first 10 minutes of ride before even 2km into the ride you hit a big hill and then a 650 metre long dark tunnel. This road is quiet but no sidewalk in tunnel and dark means caution needed. Big lorries come through.  The start point was La dehesa camping €11 per night. KM., CM-210, 31, 16890 CaƱamares, Cuenca, Spain The end point is 55km -Le serroda camping site.  Address Crta. CM2106 Km. 88.500, 19313 Peralejos de las Truchas, Guadalajara, Spain The 10km descent to le serroda camp site is is VERY FAST and very sharp hairpin corners. It needs very powerful brakes on the bicycle or else extreme danger as speed is so fast downhill. Good brakes essential for it I did 1500m of climbing. It was uphill for the first 2hr 30 minutes. Ride at 6.30am and get the climbing done early as v hot

27/7 Sacedon to Canamares 65km

climbing first 5km. Really long uphill and hair pins. V fast straight downhill. Roads in great condition. Smooth. Make sure everything fastened tight as hurtling down hill at 40mph . V hot. Ride 7am. Always use car setting on google map or compare to bike route. Make sure map shows a car can do the suggested route. Cycling route can be dirt track. Don't use cycling route suggested by map without first comparing it to car route. Campsite €11 Ledehesa,canamres

26/7/21 Guadalajara to Sacedon 100km

Don't use cycling setting in google map. It led me to a dirt track. Only use car setting. And avoid motorway too. It is tricky. Aim to use cycling setting to check permission. I was a bit confused at times as dualcarriage way became a motorway. Today should have been 35 miles but became 65 mile as went off route of main rd thinking back rd quiet. Main rd was quiet.Avoid cycling setting in google map. Also, map tilts so leave 1 a bit disorientated shrn riding as whole countfy is tilted off north south axis.  Campsite at Sacedon €10.

25/7/21 Madrid to Guadalajara 75km. steep summit finish

Stayed at airbnb in Guadalajara £18/€21. Hot . No campsite nearby cycling least not visible camping on north rd toward Zaragoza. All camping seems east toward coast. So, ride east, north east,toward Barcelona. Ride early..7am start